Ashley C of E Primary School


Behaviour at Ashley

Relationships & Behaviour Policy

SEND Information

Making the curriculum accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs

We welcome children with special educational needs or disabilities and value all children's unique contribution to school. We aim to identify children's special educational needs and disabilities as early as possible in collaboration with the children and their parents and carers.
High quality teaching is our first step in responding to pupils who have SEND. We also make the following adaptations to ensure all pupils’ needs are met:

  • Differentiating our curriculum to ensure all pupils are able to access it, for example, by grouping, 1:1 work, teaching style and content of the lesson.
  • Adapting our resources and staffing
  • Using recommended aids, such as laptops, coloured overlays, visual timetables, task boards and larger font.
  • Differentiating our teaching, for example, giving longer processing times, pre-teaching of key vocabulary, reading instructions aloud and using visual resources.

Information and services for young people from 0-25 years old and their families with Special Educational Needs or a Disability can be found here: Surrey Local Offer

School SEND Policy 2023-24

SEND Report 2023-24

Our SENCo is Miss N Clifford – 

Accessibility plan

Accessibility Policy and Plan

Admission arrangements

If your child has SEND, their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will name a school for them. The school must give your child a place. At Ashley we welcome children with special educational needs or disabilities and value all children's unique contribution to school. For children without an EHCP, we support your child and adapt our teaching to meet their needs. Applications for admission should be made in the normal way (please see Admissions).

Facilities for disabled children and staff

All teaching areas of the school are accessible (we have ramped access, and a lift to our first-floor classrooms). Those with visual or hearing impairment have their needs met.

Transition and Outreach Support Information

For information about transition arrangements and outreach support, please contact the school.

Intervention and Support Information

For information about intervention and support, please contact the school. 

Supporting Children with SEND Presentation - by Rebecca Billingham, specialist teacher for inclusive practice.